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Archetype The EnTaaS To Rule Them All!

Posted byadminon09 03 2016. 0 Comments

Civic Hackothons

Posted byadminon08 03 2016. 0 Comments

    I am proud to announce that one of my ventures and ISV company will be taking our software to civic/municipality Hackathons to bring a much-needed positive change. So many amazing artistic and ingenious developers gathered together at many weekly, daily or weekend functions providing an exciting engaging atmosphere, good food and…

Web Wonders

Posted byadminon20 03 2015. 0 Comments

  A website can be or do just about anything you can imagine doing with a computer or program. In the beginning most private corporations used something called “Intranet”, this was a closed authorized access only database that only employees used. A “Cloud” basically, the first of it’s kind and didn’t…